
Sunday, March 02, 2003

Saturday was a good day. Leo had his big "I'm 2" birthday party. He did great and had tons-o-fun. He liked the cake a lot too. Melissa really went all out. She made his cake with a big elmo pan, so his cake was elmo's face. And each kid (there were only 3 there including Leo) had a pinata that she made - cookie monster, big bird, and elmo heads. They had trap doors so no one smashed in their heads (which would just be weird). It was really a good time. I love that little guy so much - he's just pretty amazing.

Phil called me after the party which was a welcome surprise. IT's always great to talk with Phil. He makes me think...something I sometimes barely have time to do. We're both facing tough life decisions and that's always good to wrestle ideas around with someone else.

God has just been speaking to Melissa a lot from the Psalms lately. It's really been a blessing to me. These passages she's sharing with me are so refreshing and reassuring. I'm coming to grips with the fact that God probably doesn't have one specific place for us - not a revelation to many of you. Still, I've always felt that...but Jesus didn't even tell the twelve specifically where to go...he just wanted them to GO...so he SENT them. I know I'm SENT and you better believe I'm going. I just have to figure out where. I welcome other thoughts on that. I'm just thinking out loud there a bit. feel free to berate me in the comments section (did I use that word correctly?)

that's all.

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