
Sunday, June 29, 2003

More ideas/thoughts spurred by Nouwen:

In creating space in our lives, our schedules may not ease up as much as we'd like and the craziness of life may continue to build - mirroring the crowded city streets and sprawling 4 SUV homes in the suburbs. And yet it is this daily life, this routine, that is the very space we so often aspire too. It's when we begin to see the world anew with different eyes and see not an annoying co-worker, but a child of God, not a rude client, acquaintance, or driver, but someone with a real and tangible life, with real and tangible problems - someone who knows exactly where they are going - or perhaps has no clue. And taking moments in these "spaces" to revel in God's creation, to pray for forgiveness, but most of all to love others with a love that only comes from somewhere else - because it certainly isn't in us. Space is created when we stop looking to the future and start living a life of love now.

I hope to no longer say these words "I need a vacation." If you read this and you encounter me somewhere and I do say such a thing, please, with my permission, punch me in the nose. Thank you.

Phil has some great stuff up today. check it out.

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