
Monday, August 04, 2003

It has been a while since I blogged - sorry to upset you phil. :-) Life has been hectic. sleep has been precious. Our little one has decided that, aside from 2 4 hour stretches at night, he would like to eat ALL THE TIME. We've consulted our pediatrician and a lactation consultant (who wouldn't want THAT job?). Since diapers and weight gain are all okay, it seems it's just a growth spurt. Needless to say this is exhausting for us as a family, particularly for Melissa, as we have yet to give Cole a bottle.

Leo is handling the big brother thing better, but on days when I've been at work and Melissa has been feeding the baby almost endlessly, his behavior leaves a lot to be desired. That said, if I were two years old and forced to watch tv and play with toys by myself for hours I would throw a few things, break a few things and scream every now and again too. It's odd that I would be completely satisfied now if forced to watch tv and play with toys by myself for a day...but I digress.

Things are shaping up for the big move. Melissa is heading off to her folks for a final visit before it's a 16 hour drive. She leaves this weekend and I 'll go retrieve them next weekend. I'll be packing like a mad man and hopefully I'll get some help lugging stuff upstairs and into the garage.

Spiritually I've been really trying to get my hands around the humility of Christ and what that means for us as a people and particularly for us as individuals (it points very directly to our being a people rather than a collection of individuals...and of course that's just for starters). Nouwen started me down this line of thinking and I've been tossing different thoughts around in regards to that for a few days.

Lord, forgive my bloglessness as I forgive those who leave me blogless.


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