
Thursday, October 23, 2003

brief maybe 

i stand a bit corrected (thanks greg). just wanting something isn't bad...but it can be. Last night for some reason I was bitten by the consumerism bug and I WANTED a mac. Like i sat here and thought "what can I sell or do to get a mac. I must have this THING." I think that's bad...but over all I would really like to have one - I would find it useful and fun, blah blah blah...and there is nothing wrong with that. It's easy to fall into that when we are rallying against consumerism and materialism - and thinking that to want anything other than a sandwich is bad could lead to some really pious b.s.

in other news greg hubbard has a nice summary of Kingdom and some interesting thoughts on loving/analyzing people...it's my blog pick-o-the day!

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