
Monday, December 15, 2003

This....is still a latte 

Well, opening weekend was a smash and for the most part I impressed the right people. I'm shooting for February entry into mgt. training and am supported by my bosses in that. Had an interesting conversation with a District Manager from east and south of here...got me dreaming about possibilities...so humor me...in 5 years:

I'm managing the local coffee shop, all be it starbucks, and I can walk to work...it's only a matter of a few blocks. Melissa is teaching at a local school - just a 5-15 minute drive depending on traffic. We're living in somewhat older house - a larger house. In the basement there's an entire apartment and there are two spare rooms upstairs. Our home is regularly flooded with company from the neighborhood and beyond. There is a sidewalk in front of this house. It seems like we always have guests...which might be tiring enough to make us want to stop, if we didn't love it so much. If I really need a 2 liter of 7-up, I can walk to a drugstore. There's a porch, or a yard, or a deck somewhere- I honestly don't care where...maybe it's my neighbor's...but a collection of mismatched lawn chairs lean against a wall, ready for some impromptu story telling or singing, or simply listening. My kids feel safe and secure and know their neighbors by name. I could go on, but I'll stop there.

Could this place be anywhere? Absolutely. But hey, it's my freakin' dream.

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