
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Stupid title 

lately I've just been tired...Working a lot of early mornings is big part of it (getting out of bed at 4am is just weird...It's the middle of the night!?!). Lately I find myself getting caffeinated more and more. it's working, but it's just a band-aid. Ultimately, I need to lose some weight, eat better, and sleep a little more. Heck, if I just picked two of those I'd probably be doing good. Working on that.

The last month has been draining at work, carrying on with no full-time manager. Our manager is here now and it's a good thing. I'm also glad for the last month because I've grown through it in many ways. I'm excited to move on and face new challenges...and heck, I finally got some stock options.

family life is good...my boys are sweeties and my wife is the best. We're trying to re-organize, regroup, and plan a bit for the rest of the year as Melissa looks at going back to work in the fall (using her teaching degree). She'll be great, but it will be a big change for me and the boys. I think we've been spoiled.

Financially we're muddling through one miracle at a time. No kidding. God's good...I should probably tell him I think that more often...I'm sure he likes to hear that.

kind of a droning blog...I'll cease.


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