
Sunday, July 11, 2004

Thoughts along the way 

So here we are...The 9th our baby turned 1. I look back: 1 year ago Cole was born at a hospital in Olney MD. I was working at Starbucks in Germantown and we were living in some incredibly awesome borrowed house in rockville, MD. We'd wrapped up an internship and hidden from a sniper. We'd been to the national zoo numerous times. We had finally connected on a deeper level with a few close friends. One month later...we moved. That was only one year ago.

It seems like an eternity in thoughts and deeds. It makes me exhausted to think about the relational marathon we have run in the past year. It boggles my mind to realize the growth and shaping that has occurred in us. And where we are today in terms of our view on "church" is someplace I never would have/ could have predicted. I have a feeling if I post too much I may get bumped off the few blogs that are linked to me (it's all good though).

I still believe fundamentally that we (Christians at large) make church more complicated than it has to be. And I believe that being a part of the incarnational body that is "church" is like walking into a parallel universe, referred to Biblically as "Kingdom." I believe that the Kingdom is breaking in all around us. I believe that the church is/should be adventure.

The following may be unpopular. I believe that purpose-driven churches are part of this. I believe that liturgical churches are part of this. I believe that dead ritual-driven churches are part of this Kingdom too. How much they are part of that the adventure, I don't know. but as I look at new acquaintences in my life, I see they are part of the adventure. Their views on church differ. You know what though, I believe that Jesus is much more okay with where they are at than I am. And He loves them.

And I need to ask forgiveness for my arrogance. I need to repent of my pride.

***Father, forgive me. Have mercy on me. Lord, teach me how to love like you.***

totally agree with you dude.

Awesome Tim...seems many of us are coming full circle eh.
How frustrating is it that God doesn't just outline ONE right answer, one right paradigm, one right way. He really should thnik more like us........NOT! Right on man, it's good that we're always questioning, huh?

did you just use the term not in a serious way?! I wish you were here so I could ridicule your syntax in person.
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