
Saturday, August 21, 2004

The everfading blog 

I'm currently considering ending this blog. I guess I'm questioning whether or not I really have anything worthwhile to say in this context any longer. At one point I believe I did. That was reflected in the knowledge that a number of people read my blog. Now let me be clear: If everyone stopped reading this blog and I felt I had something worthwhile to say, I would continue to say it. But the fact that the number of readers or linkers has decreased should probably not surprise me since I'm simultaneously feeling like perhaps my blogfulness is fading. Something to consider, I guess.

In other news:
I am SO blessed. And I don't like to use that term, but really, I really, really mean it. This past week I was able to really help a guy find some peace in the midst of life chaos. I feel blessed because I know I can't grant peace. But Christ in me/through me was able to really help someone and that makes my job the best job in the whole world.

**Oh Great God, use me more - help me connect and relate to these guys in really cool ways.**

All of a sudden I'm feelin it.
I guess there really is nothing new under the sun.
Sorry Tim,
What I meant to say is that I'm feeling something similar in wondering if there is anything else worth saying in terms of blogging and that if one really thinks about it...is there anything really new under the sun that any of us have to say that hasnt already been said before.
Im surprised my e-mail didn't show up on your blog.
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