
Friday, October 07, 2005


It would probably be more expedient for me to just send you an e-mail Will- but maybe someone else will stumble upon this and even read it. Who knows. Who cares?

I've been lamenting the amount of burnt bridges in my life. Many of them aren't really burnt bridges - just relationships I didn't maintain. I realized that I have essentially lost all regular contact with EVERYONE I went to college with except for my wife. I may contact 3 people...once a year. Maybe. And high school...forget it. I have no idea where these people are. None. Which leaves me feeling a bit disconnected. I mean - I have friends here, but even my closer friends have only known me for a year. Maybe it's a time thing. In other places in my life I have burnt bridges. I do have regrets, but at this point (considering the burnt bridge folks aren't across town) I mostly look forward and try to do better.

In other news...I got promoted - I am now the Interim Director of Spiritual Life. I'm excited to have this opportunity...truly truly blessed.

And though it feels as if those people are lost and gone forever, they are, in fact, experiencing the same feelings of loss in their respective "universes". Rest assured, your observation does not go un-observed... I caution you only what I caution myself: we must always be mindful that our lives become not the sum total of our efforts, but the sum total of our relationships- both earthly and heaven-ward. Love ya still, buddy.

totally asking my self the same question to say. Where are those I had known? There is a great quote from Bono before the video "sometimes you can't make it on your own" he dedicates the song/video to his dad who died and saay's "I wish I had known him better" that hit me. Of all those I know that I wish I had gotten to know better. I know miles and distance now plays a part in that but anyway... how are you guys?

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