
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm back. At this blog. 

Okay. SO I think I will start blogging again. I'm not sure about what. And I don't know if you will read it. But I will blog. And it will be at this blog.

Tell your friends. They care.


I'm investigating some opportunities for our community to serve the poor. THe hope would be that we could get some people to commit to serve meals once a month to the homeless in cooperation with a certain local organization. If everything worked right, we could have 15 people committed to serve one meal a month, in teams of 3. We could cover M-F of one week for a 2.5 hour span at the end of the day.

The benefits:
People would be able to serve the poor in a meaningful way
If we could provide quality and consistency this agency could save money on labor costs - allowing them to provide the same service at less cost.

I'm psyched. Mostly because I think it is vital and important that we as Christians interact with the poor. serve them. love them.

That's it. (cue the welcome back Kotter theme)

Well, I am glad you are back! I am sure that you will continue to have plenty of things to share.
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