Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Farewell for now...
Having read over my last few blog entries, I realize, I just don’t have that much to say in the blogosphere. For the time being, I am abandoning my blog until such a time as I feel I have something to contribute beyond “I ate cereal today and my kids are awesome.”
I do feel I have a lot to say, only I really want to spend my time saying it in person and interacting with real live people – SO, if you are in the area, or are going to be, look me up and let’s grab a coffee and talk.
tim-at-syracusevineyard.org is a great way to get in touch with me. My wife can be reached at Melissa.wheeler –at- gmail.com
I now officially (though this began long ago) stop pretending to blog. I might still read yours though. So there.